Why does my bladder spasms after urinating?

Bladder spasms happen when your bladder muscles contract or tighten also refers to a symptom caused by bladder-like diseases. The more common one is subacute bacterial infection cystitis. At this moment, patients often have frequent urination and urgency. Inability to urinate and painful urination. In severe cases, it can cause urinary incontinence. And also causes hematuria or even pyuria. It often causes symptoms such as low back pain and general fever.

bladder spasms after urinating

Symptom of bladder spasm

Many patients are suffering from subacute bacterial infection cystitis often have symptoms such as bladder spasm in clinical medicine. Alkaline drugs such as sodium bicarbonate or potassium citrate can reduce urinary acid value and relieve bladder spasm. Flavonoid ester salt (Mourin) can eliminate tendons and relieve urinary irritation.
Subacute bacterial infection Cystitis is a common urinary tract infection caused by bacterial infection. Most of its pathogenic bacteria are Escherichia coli. Generally, it occurs in women. Because women’s urethral orifices are shorter than men’s and are close to the anal orifices, E. coli is easy to invade.

Subacute bacterial infection Cystitis is a common urinary tract infection caused by bacterial infection. Most of its pathogenic bacteria are Escherichia coli. Generally, it occurs in women. Because women’s urethral orifices are shorter than men’s and are close to the anal orifices, E. coli is easy to invade.

The most typical symptoms of subacute bacterial infection cystitis are frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and even urgent urinary incontinence, hematuria, and pyuria, and a very small number of patients may have low back pain and fever (generally no more than 38 ℃). Check the blood, the number of white blood cells generally did not continue to rise. Cystitis tends to occur after sex, after the menstrual period, urethral orifice, and gynecological equipment inspection. Men rarely suffer from this disease. However, men’s cystitis cannot be ignored. Men who have urinary tract obstruction such as prostate hyperplasia, bladder stones, foreign bodies, etc. are also susceptible to cystitis.

Causes of bladder spasm

The cause of bladder spasm is more common in nerve center disease or colic disease, which causes bladder spasm in reflection. It is also common to stay in the urine for a long time, and foreign bodies in the urine (stones, tumors, harmful substances) immediately irritate the bladder and cause bladder spasm.

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